
Hydrosizers™ provide the sharpest wet gravity classification to separate <4 mesh (<5 mm) granular material by size or specific gravity, as well as remove lightweight contaminants.


When the sharpest wet gravity classification is needed to separate <4 mesh (<5mm) granular material by size or specific gravity, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全加氢浆纱机具有与筛浆机相当的分离效率,但占地面积和成本仅为筛浆机的一小部分. 对于需要严格控制分级的生产商,或者希望分离两种不同比重的矿物或去除轻质污染物的生产商,将是加氢筛的理想选择.

Hydrosizers™ can be used in a wide variety of applications, 比如压裂砂, 玻璃砂, 过滤砂, 铸造用砂, 体育砂, 混凝土砂, 石膏砂, 灰浆用砂, contaminated soils washing, lignite 和 organics removal, 炉渣选矿, closed circuit grinding, 矿物砂, plastics separation from s和, precious metals like gold 和 silver, base metals like copper 和 lead zinc, phosphate classification 和 acid wash, 煤炭, 铁矿石等.

How Hydrosizers™ Work

To make its sharp wet classification, Hydrosizers™ use the hindered settling principle. 这种现象是在垂直壁分离区产生的颗粒或致密介质流化(摇摆)床的结果. 

进料(通常是水力旋流器下流)通过中央进料井进入装置顶部. 同时, 工艺水通过位于分离室底部附近的一组管道注入. 这种注水导致水流向上上升,流过外围堰,并被收集到溢流洗衣机中. As particles in the feed meet this rising current of water, finer 和 less dense fractions are lifted out 和 swept over the overflow weir. 较粗和较密的颗粒通过这一流向下流动,并被收集在下流锥中等待排放. 

Particles that are near the size of separation, 既没有大到足以迁移到下流锥,又没有小到足以被提出来的, begin to accumulate in the separation chamber. 这种堆积被描述为一个摇摇欲坠的或流化的床,在许多方面类似于流沙. Within this teetered bed, solids settle through the tank in an environment known as hindered settling. 这种现象减缓了颗粒的沉降速度,并允许它们作为粗粒或细粒的成员进行更严格的审查. Maintenance of this bed is easily done through a simple set of controls. 

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全加氢器™通过简单的PID控制回路自动保持分离. All the operator has to do is set the water injection rate. Hydrosizer™控制装置监测分级环境并调节下流量阀以保持稳定的性能. There are no screen cloths to maintain, the unit automatically compensates for changes in feed rate, 和 the only moving part is the underflow valve.

每个装置都配有一个阀门和一个流量计,因此可以很容易地调节摇晃的水, either manually or automatically. 特别设计的摇晃式水喷嘴在加压时打开,并向加氢器™提供均匀分布的水喷雾. On loss of water flow at shut down, the nozzles close 和, along with a non-return valve, serve to prevent s和 from entering into the teeter water piping.

Typical of Hydrosizers™ of the past, underflow valves have been of a non-linear design such as pinch or butterfly design. While these have been functional, 将开放区域与所需的底流容量相匹配是有缺点的, due to their non-linearity, greater difficulty tuning the control loop. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s latest development is a bespoke valve, which features a linear open/close profile for more accurate performance. 镖式阀门是全橡胶衬里,在空气损失的情况下具有弹簧关闭驱动(防止容器排空)。.

含有较轻/较小馏分的稀氢浆料™溢流通常使用水力旋流器或分离器进行脱水,并使用脱水筛进行进一步脱水. The denser underflow stream is typically directly fed to a 脱水 Screen. 

Where the units are being used for organics removal, such as in soils washing or lignite removal, 溢流将含有更大的有机物和更细的沙子(等效重量的颗粒)。. 在这种情况下,使用层间筛管将较大的有机物与较细的砂粒分离. 筛网底流被引导到脱水回路,而有机物与工厂流出物一起处理, 收集用于场地修复或在污染土壤的情况下收集用于高温破坏.

为什么菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Hydrosizers™

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全人员一直在应用独特的密度分离技术,使用hydrosizer™(又名Teeter水分级器), Density Separators or simply DMS) for more than 40 years. 我们的工艺工程师环游世界,在各种各样的行业中安装这些装置.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 combines Hydrosizers™ with other in-house equipment, such as 水力旋流器分隔符™消耗细胞脱水屏幕增稠剂 和 滤波器按, to offer complete wet processing plants.

We offer side removable teeter water spray bars, which keep maintenance personnel out of the tank, avoiding enclosed space entry.  中央管汇将这些管道的长度限制在小于加氢筛直径的一半.

It doesn’t end with 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s experienced staff. 我们的计算机模拟模型基于45多年来来自全球许多应用程序的现场结果, but when we are unsure of an application, we have a test unit in our Pennsylvania facility. 该测试设备不仅允许我们查看新的应用程序,还允许我们使用连续操作的实验室规模单元测试常见应用程序中的独特场景. 

由于我们在行业内的卓越知识,菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全经常被要求审核竞争对手的设备和完整的工厂, so why not start with us?

Frequently Asked Questions About Hydrosizers™


因为更大的颗粒会对摇摇欲坠的床产生更大的干扰作用,因为它们会向底部出口俯冲, plus the greater potential for blockages in the discharge valve, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 recommends 1/4” (6mm) as the maximum size. Small amounts of 3/8” (10mm) can be tolerated in larger Hydrosizers™. 

Hydrosizers™ approach the efficiencies of screens 和 exhibit the most efficient hydraulic classification; however, there are a number of factors affecting the amounts of misreporting materials. 近粒径(接近分离点的颗粒)的数量是最大的因素. 例如, when making a 40 mesh (420µm) cut, if 50% of the feed is between 30 mesh 和 50 mesh (600µm 和 300µm), the efficiency will be diminished. In addition, finer cuts tend to be less efficient. 最终, due to the importance of the final gradations of frac s和 products, it is expected that dry screening using specialised screening machines will be necessary.

一轮Hydrosizers™, 由于溢流堰与进料源的距离相等,并且缺少具有潜在死区的角落, can be expected to be more efficient. 在过去的八年中,压裂出砂是这类设备的最大用户, small changes can turn into significant benefits for ROI.

Pinch valves do not actually reduce flow until they are more than 50% closed. When open plus or minus 25%, the outlet is a narrow slot, which can create a point of blockage (relieved by the PID controller opening the valve), so having a non-linear characteristic challenges the performance. The 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 designed dart style valve has a linear action, which provides a more predictable performance 和 improved wear life.

Hydrosizers™ provide tight control over classification, separate minerals of two different specific gravities 和 remove lightweight contaminants.

特性 & 好处
  • 最尖锐的湿重力尺寸分级在100微米(150目)和600微米(30目)之间,效率高
  • Effective separation of minerals of different specific gravities
  • Side accessible teeter water system allows customers to maintain unit without entering tank
  • Anti-fouling nozzles for water distribution
  • Removal of organics
  • 低运营成本
  • Rapid payback on investment
  • Proprietary linear discharge underflow valve


Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.