
床上用品烘干机 reduce the moisture content in sand and manure bedding using relatively simple and proven rotary drying technology. Dry bedding requires little or no conditioning and can be used immediately following its discharge from the Bedding Dryer.


干燥的床层意味着更少的水分被带入谷仓和自由式农场. 因为水分是细菌生长所需的三样东西之一, reducing it also reduces the bacteria’s ability to grow and creates a healthier environment for the cows.

床上用品烘干机非常适合各种各样的应用. Some of the many materials that can be dried with a Bedding Dryer include manure solids bedding, 沙床上用品, 造纸厂污泥, 有机材料和鸡窝.


床上用品烘干机 use rotary drying technology to reduce the moisture content in freestall bedding. 湿床上用品与热和空气一起被引入系统. As the material tumbles through the Bedding Dryer, heat and air pull the moisture out. 最后收集干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,同时排出空气和水分.

床上用品烘干机系统包含几个关键部件. 燃烧器和炉膛提供一致的热源. 绝缘滚筒, 哪一项包含举重和飞行, 当材料旋转时,将其提起,并将其淋浴到加热的空气中. 组合气流将物料通过滚筒移动到出料端, where a product collector allows the dried material to settle out of the air stream. 空气继续形成气旋, 在小, 较轻的材料掉出来,加热的空气被排出.

一致的馈送对系统的运行很重要, so a hopper and conveyor system is used to meter the correct amount of bedding material into the Bedding Dryer. 在出料端,输送系统用于移动和堆放干燥的床上用品.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 床上用品烘干机 are designed and built for optimal thermal efficiency to keep operational costs as low as possible. Bedding material is retained in the dryer just long enough to remove moisture and achieve maximum pathogen kill before exiting the system.

High temperatures in the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Bedding Dryer system quickly and efficiently reduce moisture and kill pathogens that lead to poor cow health and low milk quality. 其结果是更干净,更干燥的床上用品,可以立即重复使用. 在谷仓里, 自由泳更干净,更舒适, ultimately resulting in healthier cows with higher milk production and lower somatic cell counts.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Bedding Dryer systems are designed for quick, easy installation with minimal costs. 多种尺寸和多种选择,以适应几乎任何干燥需要. 最常见的尺寸系统安装在一个框架上. 简单地连接和水平的脚, 安装所需的管道系统和收集器, 接通电源, 连接能量源进行加热, 这样你就可以生产更清洁的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全了, 干燥床上用品. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全床上用品烘干机是灵活的,可以使用天然气, 丙烷, 柴油, 或者是厌氧消化产生的沼气.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全床上用品烘干机需要最少的操作员互动. 排气温度被监测,有助于指示材料的干燥程度. 一旦目标出口温度被建立和设定, 系统自动调节以维持所需的出口温度, 确保最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的一致性. 为了给系统喂料,料斗以恒定的速率向干燥机提供物料. At the discharge, conveyors move the finished product to the desired storage location. 成品已准备好上床,无需进一步处理.



干燥的床褥将改善牛奶质量和奶牛健康. 细菌需要三样东西才能生存:湿气、热量和食物. If any one of these three things is removed or reduced, the bacteria’s ability to survive is reduced. A Bedding Dryer system reduces the moisture and in some cases actually kills the bacteria in the bedding that leads to poor udder health. 有关脱水和干燥的更多信息,请 收听我们的管理健康奶牛砂床网络研讨会.

的 cost of drying bedding with a Bedding Dryer is driven largely by two things: the cost of electricity (although this is relatively small) and the cost of fuel. 


  1. 被干燥的物料类型. 物料及其所含水分在干燥系统中的表现是不同的. For example, sand contains only surface moisture, which is removed relatively easily. Manure fibers, being organic, not only have surface moisture but also internal moisture. This internal moisture is often more difficult to remove and requires longer retention times inside the Bedding Dryer. Also, unlike manure fiber, sand is not combustible and therefore can be hit with higher heat.
  2. 干燥量被干燥的物料量. This is usually measured in tons per hour, cubic feet per hour or cubic yards per hour. 
  3. 操作系统所允许的时间. 在某些情况下, 床上用品烘干机系统将连续运行24/7, 但在其他情况下, 它需要在白天运行, 每周五天. 在第二种情况下, 如果同样数量的材料需要加工, 需要一个更大的床上用品烘干机系统. 

是的. Each Bedding Dryer has redundant sensors in the inlet and outlet to continously monitor the temperature. 如果温度超出范围,燃烧器就会自动熄火. 在危险的高温情况下, the burner will shut off and a solenoid valve will open to allow steam or hot water to enter the dryer and extinguish any fires that may be present. 

的 单道床上用品烘干机 济贫院是扶轮的干燥世界吗. 顾名思义,物料使人通过滚筒. 它从入口端进入,沿着滚筒的长度运动,然后出口. Single-pass rotary dryers are most often used for heavier, stickier and more abrasive materials.

的 三道床上用品烘干机 looks similar to a 单道床上用品烘干机 on the exterior, but the interior is much different. 三道旋转干燥机包含三个鼓在一个:外部鼓, 还有内鼓和中间鼓. 物料进入内部滚筒的入口. 它移动到放电端, 但不是释放, it tumbles outward to the intermediate drum where it is pulled back toward the inlet. 一旦物料到达入口端, 它滚到最外层的鼓上, 它在哪里再次传播到输出端. 一旦它到达出口,物料就离开滚筒. 这种类型的床上用品烘干机适用于较轻的材料,如粪便纤维. It allows for lower inlet temperatures and fan speeds but still provides the longer retention time needed by some materials. 

一些最常见的干燥床上用品的方法包括流化床干燥机, 闪蒸管干燥机, 红外线干燥机和穿孔床干燥机.

虽然这些系统中的每一个都能够干燥材料, here are the reasons why 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has chosen to use rotary dryers in their systems.

Natural gas and 丙烷 are the most common types of fuel that are used to operate 床上用品烘干机, 但你也可以用No. 作为燃料来源的柴油. If you have a digester and excess biogas, you can use the biogas as long as it is scrubbed. 

的 amount of water that is evaporated from the material through the Bedding Dryer can be significant. 的 water is drawn into the air as water vapor and is carried out of the system through the exhaust ductwork. 的re are minimal residual fines and the exhaust can usually exit the system outside the building; it will look like a plume of water vapor. 在某些情况下,废气需要进一步擦洗, 可以安装袋式除尘器来清除可能仍然存在的残留细粒.

  • 事实证明,它是可靠和高效的最佳性能和较长的系统寿命
  • Single-pass or triple-pass rotary dryers are available in multiple sizes and configurations to suit most any drying need
  • Systems are engineered for efficient moisture removal with minimal operator interface and little maintenance
  • Smaller units are preassembled and prewired on a frame for fast setup and installation
  • 出口温度监控和自动调节
  • 独特的螺栓式轮胎设计,最大限度地减少了轮胎更换期间的停机时间
  • 一体式炉膛耐火材料,耐火寿命更长
  • Systems come with an automatic fire suppression system in the unlikely event of a high-temperature/fire situation


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