Tips for Better Dairy Cow Bedding

September 18, 2023

对于奶农来说,最重要的两件事是保持牛群的健康和生产高质量的牛奶. 有几个因素影响高质量牛奶的产出, but cow comfort is probably one of the most important. 确保奶牛舒适的最简单方法之一就是使用得当 bedding and management practices for the herd.

1. Use sand as bedding

When choosing what materials to bed your cows on, cow comfort is the most critical aspect to consider. 理想情况下,奶牛每天应该花14个小时或更多的时间休息和反刍,以帮助提高产奶量. The more comfortable a cow is, the more milk she will produce.

Comfortable bedding also plays a role in cow health. Comfortable bedding material, coupled with properly designed freestall barns, will encourage the cows to lie down, thus reducing excessive standing and lowering the risk of lameness from injury to the feet.

虽然有各种各样的材料可以用作床上用品, sand is the best for cow comfort for the following reasons:

  • 沙子可以让漏出的牛奶或尿液中的水分从奶牛体内排出, keeping them cleaner and drier for longer. Cows prefer a dry bedding material over a wet one. 这可以从奶牛躺在湿床上的次数显著减少中看出.
  • 沙子是无机的,所以它不会促进乳腺炎细菌的生长.
  • 沙子为奶牛提供牵引力,减少足部或关节受伤的可能性. It’s soft enough to provide cushioning for the cows, 然而,它的研磨性足以清洗牛脚的脚趾间.
  • In warmer weather, sand can provide a cooling effect. Heat-stressed cows tend to stand for longer periods of time, 因此,凉爽的被褥(以及风扇和风扇)对于防止热应激至关重要.
  • Sand can be recycled with sand separation equipment for reuse in the freestalls, saving you money by reducing the amount of new sand required.


What type of sand is best

When selecting a grade of sand for bedding,你应该选择一种不含大颗粒的沙子,因为大颗粒会导致蹄部受伤. 层状砂也不应含有过量的粉砂或粘土, which can pack and get hard in the stalls.

Concrete sand is the best for dairy cow bedding because it is made up of a mix of coarse and fine sand. 这种混合物是最理想的分离和再利用,并允许最高水平的砂回收. 混凝土砂不像含有大量细粉砂和粘土的其他等级的砂那样迅速致密, so it remains loose and comfortable for cows to lie on. 混凝土砂在世界各地都有,并且始终是一致的粒度.

2. Follow stall design and maintenance best practices

How stalls are designed and maintained is also crucial to cow comfort. 牛栏应该设计成合适的尺寸,让奶牛在一天中自由舒适地进出. When bedding on sand, 马厩里的沙子应该在前面高一些,并向马厩后面的路缘倾斜. Sand should always be at least 6”-8” deep, 床上用品应始终保持在马厩后缘之上. 定期梳理马厩是重要的,以保持一个完整的床干净,柔软的沙子.

由于移动和压实,沙粒水平会随着时间的推移而下降. In one study done by the University of British Columbia, for every centimeter the bedding drops in the stall, the cow will spend an average of 11 less minutes lying down. 每头奶牛平均每天使用50磅沙子. Because of this, new bedding should be added to stalls at least once a week. Grooming the stalls 在两者之间填充物有助于保持沙子松散和舒适.

保持奶牛及其床上用品的清洁和干燥可以消除细菌滋生的可能性. Because bacteria can grow in a damp environment, 在填充马厩之前,最好尽量减少床上用品中的水分.

3. 考虑砂的分离和回收,以保持低成本和病原体

With mechanical sand separation equipment, 乳制品生产商可以回收沙质垫层,在不影响奶牛健康或牛奶质量的情况下重复使用. Sand Separation Systems 允许生产者从粪便流中捕获90%或更多的沙子. These systems are used to clean, dewater and dry the sand for faster reuse, 确保将高质量的砂重新放入自由式井中.

Because they generate clean recycled sand bedding, 砂粒分离系统通过减少需要购买的新砂粒数量,为奶牛场节省了成本. These systems can also be used to pre-treat manure prior to anaerobic digestion so that producers can benefit from bedding on sand and using a digester.

机械砂分离系统由各种设备组成,如沙肥分离器, Agricultural Hydrocyclones, Shaker Screens and Bedding Dryers. 这些系统是可扩展的,可以根据乳制品的大小进行调整. Systems like the SMS12 are designed for dairies with less than 400 cows in the herd, 而更大的沙肥分离系统则可以用于拥有数千头奶牛的奶牛场.

Sand-Manure Separators

Sand-Manure Separators 用于从含沙粪肥流中回收沙粒, as well as to wash and dewater the sand for reuse. They produce a clean, 含有最低有机含量的脱水砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,在重复使用前需要最少的调理.

Agricultural Hydrocyclones

Agricultural Hydrocyclones 在粪肥高度稀释的应用中,可作为分离沙子的主要手段吗, 或者它们可以作为继传统沙肥分离系统之后的第二种分离手段. When used in conjunction with Sand-Manure Separators, 农用水力旋流器可使采砂率提高10%.

Shaker Screens

Shaker Screens are an add-on to Sand-Manure Separation Systems. 在沙肥分离器后安装振动筛 remove up to 40% of the remaining moisture,减少所需的调理量并改善周转时间. 从振动筛中排出的床层水分约为12%, 这意味着它被认为是“无滴漏”的,可以在不到一周的时间内重复使用.

Bedding Dryers

Adding a Bedding Dryer 沙肥分离系统可以进一步将沙子干燥到1%左右的水分. Bedding Dryers also eliminate bacteria and organic content. 从床上用品烘干机中取出的沙子可以并且应该立即在隔间中重复使用, which reduces handling time.

Sand Lane Systems

Sand Lane Systems 是否用于清洗和脱水从沉沙巷收获的层理砂. With this system, 沙子从你的沙道中被铲出并直接装载到沙道系统中, 哪里的沙子进一步减少了水和有机物质. 这提高了回收率,减少了处理时间,留下了更干净、更干燥的沙子.

在挑选床上用品时,一定要考虑到奶牛的舒适度. Sand bedding is comfortable for the cows and can be recycled. 沙子的可回收性可以帮助您节省资金,同时保持您的牧群的最佳利益, making it one of the best choices for stall bedding.

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Tags: Bedding Management, Freestall Management, Manure Management, Manure Separation & Dewatering

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